DPMT Semester - 1

DPMT Semester - 1


Subjects :-
  1.  Communication English -I
  2.  Workshop Mathematics
  3.  Engineering Physics
  4.  Electrical and electronics engineering
  5.  Environmental Science



Unit -I

Grammar- Parts of Speech; Voice; Direct and Indirect speech; Tenses; Infinites, Gerunds,
Prepositions, Question tag, One-word substitute, Articles, Adverb, Punctuation,

Unit II

Letter writing-Personal letters (letter to your friend inviting to birthday party, letter to your
father asking him to permit to join Education Tour, letter from a son/daughter to his/her
father stating how he/she hopes to fare in the approaching Diploma Examinations, letter to a
friend offering suggestions as to what to do after completing the Diploma course)

Unit III

Composition (Simple passage related to topics such as Environment, Moral story, Science &
Technology, about A Favorite Place, Hobbies, School life etc), Common Errors (Noun,
pronoun, articles, adverb, prepositions etc.), Correction of sentences;

Unit IV

Dialogue writing: Note-making: Essay writing ( Related to Environment and Science &
Technology); Writing Instructions (Imperatives/ 'Should' form), Sending communication
through E-mail (All Personal letters)

Unit v

Hints Development, Filling forms (Bank challan, application for bank loan Railway ticket
Phrases: At all; Instead of; In spite of, As well as; Set up; Upset; Look up; Call off; Call out;
Come across; Set right, Sending communication through E-mail.
Idioms: Work up(excite); Break down; Stand up for; Turn down; Pass away; Pass on; Back
up; back out Carry out; done for (ruined);Bring about; Go through; Ran over; Look
up(improve); pick out (selected)

#Notes :-

👉  MCQs




Unit I
Algebra :-
Determinants - Expansion of determinants up to third order - properties of determinants -
Solution of simultaneous equations using Cramer's rule.
Matrices -Introduction - Definition - Types of matrices - Operations on matrices.
Binomial Theorem: Introduction to permutation and combination - Definitions - Values of
npr and nor. Binomial theorem for a positive integral index

Unit II
Complex Numbers
Introduction - Definition, real and imaginary parts, conjugates, modulus and amplitude
form, multiplication and division of complex numbers Argand diagrams - Collinear points,
four points forming square, rectangle, rhombus and parallelogram. Simple problems.
Demoivre's theorem - related problems.

Unit III
Analytical Geometry
Pair of straight lines: Pair of lines passing through origin - ax + 2hxy + py? = 0 expressed
in the form (y-m1x) (y-m2x)=0. General equation of the second-degree ax + 2hxy + by 2gx
+ 2fy + c = 0, to represent pair of straight lines. Condition for second degree equation to
represent pair of lines.
Circles : Equation of circle - Given centre and radius - General equation of circle finding
center and radius, equation of circle described on the line joining the points (X1,Y1) and (x2.
y2) as diameter with simple problems.

Unit IV
Compound angles: Expansion of sin (A + B), cos (A + B) and tan (A + B) problems, solving
the above expansions.
Multiple Angles: Trigonometrical ratios of multiple angles (2A and 3A only) and sub-
multiple angles - Simple problems.
Unit V Differential Calculus
( 12 Hours)
Limits: standard results
Limit x'-a" /x-a = nan-1
Limit sin 0 / 0 =
1 x a 0
Differentiation: Definition - Differentiation of x", sin x, cos x, tan x, cotxsec x, cosec x, log
x, e, u Iv, ky + c, uv, uvw, u/v. Problems using the above results.
Successive differentiation: Successive differentiation and formation of differential
equations up to second order.




Units and Dimensions- Fundamental quantities and derived units, systems of units
(SI,CGS,FPS)- Dimensional Formula for area , volume, density, velocity, momentum,
acceleration, force, impulse, work & power- Dimensional equation - Derivation of expression
of period of simple pendulum using dimensions.
Dynamics-Scalar and vector quantities- Addition and Subtraction of vectors (Triangle
method) - Resolution of vectors into two mutually perpendicular vectors
Force and motion-Force-Addition of forces -Triangle law of forces- Lami's theorem-
Momentum and its Conservation- Speed, velocity and acceleration
Circular Motion- Relation between linear and angular distance, velocity and acceleration-
Centripetal and Centrifugal force. Parabolic Motion-Time of flight of a projectile-Kinetic
energy-Potential energy-Law of conservation of energy.


Elasticity- Stress-strain - Hooke's law-Young's Modulus, Bulk Modulus, Rigidity modulus
and Poisson's ratio - Determination of Young's modulus- Torsional pendulum
Surface Tension and Viscosity - Surface tension - Surface energy- Angle of contact-
Relation between surface tension and surface energy- Determination of surface tension by
capillary rise method. Viscosity-Coefficient of viscosity- Streamline and turbulent flow-
Reynolds number- Poiseuille's formula- Stoke's formula-Terminal velocity


Temperature measurement - Centigrade, Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales of temperature
measurement – Newton's law of cooling -Expansion of gases-Verification of Boyle's law &
Charle's law- Specific heat of gas at constant volume and at constant pressure- Mayor's
relation -isothermal expansion of gas- Adiabatic expansion of gas- Postulates of Kinetic
theory of gases.
Modes of heat transfer and their examples


Optics - Snell's law of refraction-critical angle-Total internal reflection-Optical fiber- convex
and concave mirrors- focus, image formation and concave lens focal length, simple
microscope- magnifying power- velocity of light-relation between velocity, wavelength and
frequency of light

Laser - 

Introduction- principle- population Inversion-Spontaneous and stimulated emission,
optical pumping-characteristics-types of laser (not in detail) - applications.

#Notes :- 

👉    MCQS 

👉  Force and Motion

👉 optics notes.pdf




Unit 1: DC & AC Circuits:

Definitions - Electric current, voltage and resistance - Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Laws –
Resistance in series, parallel - Simple problems - Electromagnetism, Magnetic flux, Flux
density, Magnetic field Intensity, MMF, permeability, reluctance, Faraday's laws of
electromagnetic Induction.
Fundamentals of AC voltage and current - Peak, average, RMS value of sine wave,
Frequency, time period, amplitude, power, power factor, Single Phase/ 3 phase connection,
Delta Connections - relationship between phase and line voltages, current in star and Delta

Unit II: DC Generator, DC Motor:

DC Generator & DC Motor - Construction - Principles of operation, types and applications,
Emf equation of Dc machine, Necessity for starter, three points, four point starters.

UNIT III: AC machines:

Transformer- Types of transformers (Current & Voltage) - principle of operation and
construction EMF equation - losses in a transformer - efficiency.
Principle of operation of single phase capacitor start induction motor - applications - three
phase induction motors - squirrel cage and slip ring IM (construction and working principle)

Unit IV : Special motor and electrical safety:

Special Motor: PMDC, Servo motors - construction, working principle and application.
Electrical Safety - Importance of earthing & Megger - Electric shock - First aid for electric
shock - Precautions against shock - Cause of accidents and their preventive measures -
Energy conservation & Energy Management

Unit V: Basic Electronics and Logic Gates:

Semiconductor materials - N type and P type - PN Junction - forward and reverse bias,
characteristics of PN junction diode - Half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, bridge rectifier,
Transistor - construction of NPN and PNP types.
Logic Gates - positive and negative logic, definition, symbol, truth table, Boolean expression
for OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAND, EXOR and EXNOR gates & its basic application.


#Notes :-

👉  Unit 1

👉 Unit 2

👉 Class Test

👉 Mark 2

👉 MCQs


Environmental Science

* Scope and importance of environmental science, effect human of activities on environment

*Know the concept of eco system, structure and function.

* Awareness about natural resources, forest resources, exploitation, deforestation

* Awareness about water resources, food resources, mineral
resources land resources and energy resources.

* Awareness about environmental pollution such as air, water, land, thermal, and water conservation,
global warming, ozone layer depletion.

* Knowledge about environmental protection acts and disaster
management system types and policy.

#Notes :-

👉  MCQs 

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