Vignette ads will start appearing on wider screens, such as desktop, after November 3rd
Show vignette ads on wide screen
Dear Friends, I want to tell you that today a notification has come from Google. The information is related to Adsense. So please read carefully.
Show vignette ads on wide screen
Here is the information from Google,
Vignette advertisements can now be shown on large-size screens as well. For sites that feature Vignette, Vignette ads will soon begin appearing on desktop-wide screens.
Our experiments show that vignette ads perform well on wide screens.
If you do not want to show vignette ads on Desktop, you can also turn this feature off.
How to stop vignette ads on your website?
For this, you will have to use the new "wide screen" control by going to the settings of the ad running automatically.
When will vignette advertisements arrive?
Note that vignette advertisements will appear only on November 3, 2020 on wide screens.To see how the vignette performs on your sites, set up auto-run ads and turn on the vignette.
So you too can start this feature in your website, and if you do not have interest in it, then you can also turn this feature off.
My thoughts on vignette ads
I think you should try first on 3 November whether it is right for your site or not.What should Vignette do after coming to AIDS?
After coming to Vignette ADS, you make your own decision, and get feedback from the visitor coming to your website.Because Google has brought these Vignette Aids, and Google has also done experiments behind it.
And from the feedback of a lot of people, it has been found that Vignette Advertisement performs well.
So you start it and earn money by showing maximum AIDS.
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