Dinesh Gundu Rao, Karnataka's health minister, has notified the public about the state's 34 cases of the JN.1 subtype of Covid-19, although he maintained that nothing dedicated has occurred.
Bengaluru is in which many of these cases have been reported.
After the recent increase in COVID-19 cases connected to the JN.1 variant, the Karnataka government released guidelines on Thursday urging officials to test all symptomatic close contacts of those who were recently diagnosed with the virus.
Stating, "We are well-prepared, and there is no cause for alarm," Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao informed the populace of the state's readiness. Bengaluru is where the majority of the cases are located. People are being asked to maintain physical distance from each other.
Extra precautions were specified in a state health department circular in view of the current Covid issue brought on by the Omicron subvariant JN.1.
It suggested, on top of the focused testing criteria previously released, testing all symptomatic close contacts for Covid-19.
The Covid patient situation was also addressed in the circular, which stated that about 400 people are currently in home isolation, with some of them being admitted to general isolation units in hospitals.
Moving ahead, medical professionals and paraprofessionals from PHCS/UPHCs/Namma Clinics will make at least one visit to Covid patients in general wards and those under home isolation to measure theirDinesh Gundu Rao, Karnataka's health minister, has notified the public about the state's 34 cases of the JN.1 subtype of Covid-19, although he maintained that nothing dedicated has occurred. Bengaluru is in which many of these cases have been reported.
After the recent increase in COVID-19 cases connected to the JN.1 variant, the Karnataka government released guidelines on Thursday urging officials to test all symptomatic close contacts of those who were recently diagnosed with the virus.
Stating, "We are well-prepared, and there is no cause for alarm," Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao informed the populace of the state's readiness. Bengaluru is where the majority of the cases are located. People are being asked to maintain physical distance from each other.
Extra precautions were specified in a state health department circular in view of the current Covid issue brought on by the Omicron subvariant JN.1. It suggested, on top of the focused testing criteria previously released, testing all symptomatic close contacts for Covid-19.
The Covid patient situation was also addressed in the circular, which stated that about 400 people are currently in home isolation, with some of them being admitted to general isolation units in hospitals.
Moving ahead, medical professionals and paraprofessionals from PHCS/UPHCs/Namma Clinics will make at least one visit to Covid patients in general wards and those under home isolation to measure their health and symptoms and recommend the best course of action.
For ICU patients, the health department suggested Tele ICU monitoring from State the head office, a technique that was used during health and symptoms and recommend the best course of action.
For ICU patients, the health department suggested Tele ICU monitoring from State the head office, a technique that was used during
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